Tania Milliken is a Certified Yoga Health Coach who supports families with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and similar Neurodevelopmental Disorders such as ADHD & Autism, when they are ready to focus on finding health and ease in their daily lives.
Tania guides her clients through small shifts in their daily routines and habits so that families are able to reduce overwhelm; leading to greater rest, more energy, and moments of daily peace.
Since 1991 Tania has been supporting families, first through childcare services, and then in 2001 expanding her care through fostering and ongoing education in all aspects of Family Care and Wellness. More recently due to her own family’s struggle to lead a healthy, vibrant life and while learning very quickly about FASD, ADHD, and Epilepsy she ventured into Yoga and its sister science Ayurveda, The Science of Life.
Tania now mentors other families in a vibrant, playful, caring community where often time bewildered, overwhelmed, and misunderstood families and caregivers are able to land, safely, softly, express their truth, to then move forward in a community of like minded mentors and peers.
Tania lives in the Sunny Okanagan, with her husband, numerous children and an assortment of pets. When not coaching or attending to her clan she can be found checking out yet another workshop, Yoga Studio, or wandering barefoot through the trees.
I need to be honest here…
So that we start out on the right foot…
You need to know that I have definitely been in a place where I felt like my life was going TOO fast. My body was not keeping up. I was in a constant state of feeling like I signed up for something far more than I bargained for. I was completely naive to my true situation; my body wellness, my emotional health & the status of the important relationships in my life.
I know what it is like to wake up after months or years of not thriving and ready to reclaim yourself; I also know the experience of bringing myself back to an understanding of how to live in rhythm with the Earth & Discover the Art of Life.
It’s not like my life is perfect. My goodness! it is far from that. My life is constant change & motion - but I don’t feel caught or tossed around by it anymore.
I have learned how to thrive within the complexity of children, animals, life and work.
People are often curious to how I manage to nourish my health. So, let’s keep it real… I keep myself connected to the important things - live my days through health habits that truly make the difference AND I stay grounded by trusting that there is something bigger than my chaos.
The importance of my story? I was where are you right now… I was in that place… tired of being unseen.
I know what it takes to leave that behind and I cannot wait to help you do the same.